TransAmerica Open Enrollment
6/18/2020-6/29/2020 for Benefit Start 7/1/2020
Dear Brothers & Sisters;
Due to the COVID 19 pandemic we will be having Trans America Open Enrollment online via BFSA Website from 6/18/2020-6/29/2020. Members interested in obtaining Disability Supplemental Insurance should visit our BFSA Blog or Benefits page to obtain all forms needed to begin process and also obtain forms to file a DBL claim if currently a participant and on an active leave.
TransAmerica will also be rolling out direct deposit for claims when they are filed through the portal by the end of the month.
O’Neil Anderson our TransAmerica broker has assured us that all applications received will be handled in a timely manner and coverage will begin as of July 1st, 2020.
All Enrollment forms must be submitted by 6/29/2020.
Any questions pertaining to enrollment process and premium/wage rates should be directed to O’Neil Anderson, (917) 573-3888 or Toby Wilson, (718) 607-7678. Alma Gonzalez, BFSA Treasurer is the point to person for any issues that may arise that require review or resolution with 1199. Please note this is a BFSA members only benefit and enrollment forms should be emailed to Mr. Anderson at At present he is having his website revamped. Once updated and published BFSA members can feel free to visit their site too and TransAmerica’s can also be visited at any time.
All forms can be found in our "Benefits" page. Don't forget the deadline is 6/29/2020. Please provide any questions you may have in writing to Alma Gonzalez - and Yvette Howard, BFSA President,
Forthcoming: TransAmerica is offering Life Insurance packages. The BFSA Executive Board will review all details and share that with you just as soon as we can. This is not yet a Benefit in place so questions cannot be answered until we research all data further.
Thank you and we hope you and your famiies continue to stay safe and well.
In Solidarity,
Benefit Fund Staff Association