The BFSA is happy to announce Jeanette Eans has been nominated to perform the duties of Grievance Chair for the BFSA as of September 9th, 2020. Jeanette has been a dedicated member since joining the Fund and her experience as delegate and being a team player is conveyed in her very own words below.
My mission Statement:
To empower every delegate to achieve their level of excellence.
To effectively communicate the language of our BFSA contract
Implement integrity by defending the BFSA’s constitution and the rights of all members.
To stand by every member for equality. fairness and justice.
I have been a delegate for 13 ½ years, an active Member for 17 years and a QCR III in the Front Window for the Pension Dept.
Please wish Jeanette well in her new role. She is definitely proving to be an asset to the BFSA team. ~BFSA Executive Board