As many of you know our Wellness Department offers lunch time exercise sessions where trainers come to the Fund and members can take the opportunity of being able to bring the gym class experience to the work place and in turn make yourself feel and look a lot better. I, myself have taken Zumba and Yoga in the past and can honestly say I enjoyed each class and look forward to joining once again. Below you will find one participants account on how she feels since taking these classes and hopefully you can feel motivated enough to join and keep this wonderful benefit going. As always participation is key so if you have any questions please feel free to call or email one of the Wellness reps listed below and thank you.
~Alma Gonzalez
Exercising before or after work is great, but what about the several hours a day you spend sitting at your desk? Research shows that too much sitting, even if you exercise, is bad for your health. A great way to combat this is to get moving at one or more of our Wellness Department’s convenient midday classes, held right here in the building! Take your pick from Zumba, Zumba Toning, Shape-Up, Yoga and Pilates. If you’re unsure which exercise will be the best fit for you, you can try out any one for only $6. If you choose to sign up for the full session, your $6 will be deducted from the overall cost.
You may think that exercising at lunchtime will wear you out. In fact, the opposite is true! “I feel so refreshed and energetic after each exercise class,” said Patty Chow, a Legal Caseworker with the Citizenship Program. Patty started taking Zumba in January and now takes Shape-Up as well. She’s even considering adding Pilates to the mix. “I feel like a whole new person, and my colleagues have noticed the change. The best part is your co-workers in the class are there with the same goal to be fit, and we motivate each other,” Patty said.
Classes are now held in the 8th Floor Exercise Room. To register, please contact Barbarita Marrero-Green at x8985 or or Myriam Moreno at
Workout: Zumba – a high-energy aerobics dance class (this is an easier version of Friday’s Zumba Toning class).
Dates: Mondays; September 11 – December 18; 15 classes
Time: 12:10 pm to 12:50 pm Workout: Shape-Up – various fitness and jumping exercises that help strengthen and tone muscles.
Dates: Tuesdays; September 12 – December 19; 15 classes
Time: 12:10 pm to 12:50 pm Workout: Yoga – stretches, poses and breathing techniques to tone muscles and promote physical and mental health.
Dates: Wednesdays; September 13 – December 20; (no class on November 22); 14 classes
Time: 12:10 pm to 12:50 pm Workout: Pilates – a total-body workout that improves physical conditioning, flexibility and core strength.
Dates: Thursdays; September 14 – December 21; (no class on November 23); 14 classes
Time: 12:10 pm to 12:50 pm Workout: Zumba Toning – a combination of Zumba dance and muscle toning (this is a more advanced version of Monday’s Zumba class),
Dates: Fridays; September 15 – December 15; (no classes on September 29 and November 24); 13 classes
Time: 12:10 pm to 12:50 pm