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Pandemic Scare 2020

Updated: Mar 20, 2020

As many worry about commuting to work and many are being afforded the opportunity to work from home, and the amount of people seen today vs the amount we are certainly used to, it is understandable for one to panic and worry about their own well being.

As humans that is the norm, but as employees we must understand our employers point of view. A company must continue operations just as a hospital should remain open to care for those falling ill to COVID-19. The CDC has provided us all with ways to prevent it, and instructions on how to self quarantine if needed. Washing your hands constantly and for at least twenty seconds, using hand sanitizer and keeping all touchable surfaces disinfected is a must.

Mass transit has already amped up their sanitizing protocols and NYC companies are following suit. As a union we are concerned about the safety of our members but as mentioned by both ends, HR and the BFSA, all proper precautions are in place and we are collaboratively working on keeping you up to date. There has been no incidents confirmed in our Manhattan and Hicksville locations. The Bronx facilities were closed on Thursday, March 12th and Friday March 13th as there was a report of a member coming in contact with a person just released from quarantine.

Both buildings were only closed to ensure the space was cleaned and our Bronx staff are expected to return on Monday, March 16th. This instance was properly handled, no one was placed in danger and we will continue to bring you up to speed. We just ask that you become our eyes and ears without causing further scare due to rumors. Together we will get through this. The link below advices on the importance of not panicking, but as always we are here to hear your concerns as well. Thank you, be safe and be mindful.

In solidarity.

Benefit Fund Staff Association

Executive Board, Delegates &


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