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401k BFSA1199 Update

Dear BFSA Brothers & Sisters,

Based on our new CBA/MOA Ratification Contract the BFSA has been advised and

agreed to the changes set forth.

If you choose to voluntarily participate in the 401K workshops being offered, you must be enrolled in the 401K by January 2021.

Please see below modified stipulation, with regards to enrollment.

If interested, please contact Mr. Richard Kral at (646) 473-6210 or via email at

Please bear in mind in order to capitalize on the benefits set forth in the new contract one must voluntarily enroll.


“As discussed, HR is requesting to change the date of the match from December to January. So, the language would be changed from “October to December” to “November to January”. This allows the opportunity for 401K workshops to be offered virtually and additional time for employees to enroll who may not be participating”.

In Solidarity,

Yvette Howard

BFSA President

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