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As a Union employee within an organization that also contains non-bargaining positions it is easy to notice who is allowed special treatment and who is being constantly harassed, mistreated and disciplined just to slowly find a way to eventually push them out.

Having eighteen years of service at a company you once admired and now simply loathe isn’t easy. You work hard to get up Monday-Friday and make it in to only find a different reason to loathe it some more. I have seen the many changes and new faces that have come and gone and wonder how a company can allow the morale in each department be depleted constantly by changes, restructuring, lack of training or respect and not see it as a major problem.

Employees are resigning and leaving positions they once loved because they have gotten tired of being unappreciated and overlooked for promotions due to favoritism or tough exams provided during testing one can only truly pass if they have the know how and experience to do so, and or they already have the candidate of choice in mind.

The Union within a Union we once admired and respected has lost its power and HR and upper management simply ran with it as additional changes incurred within to suit their agenda’s and they continue to assist in dividing us and making us weaker. Our membership has had its issues, but your Executive Board members have faced them too since coming into office in 2016 and believe me when I say it hasn’t been pretty.

As a member, delegate and now Executive Board member I have seen first hand how much the respect and lack of concern for employees has escalated. Lateness and absences have risen Fund wide and the reason lies within. I myself find it difficult each day to get up and make my way in but I do. I loved what I was hired to do and that is to assist our fellow members on the outside seeking assistance with their health insurance with pride. To an extent I still do, but when I am pulled into the madness that is an overload of work, lack of communication and outright disregard for your efforts by those you deem your leaders it can become very frustrating.

I know other departments who have suffered similar restraints due to management decisions made by Corporate moguls who simply choose to change things without employee input or discussion. I’ve seen and witnessed many give up on producing and simply letting things slide for fear of speaking up. We must all understand that these issues, concerns and changes must be shared. We must come together as a Union and work on setting things right. Management expects us to perform, we expect Management to provide us with the proper tools to do so. We cannot continue to allow ourselves to remain stagnant, and we cannot continue to allow them to treat us as if our voice doesn’t matter. We require respect, and an understanding that we can all work together collaboratively and boost up employee morale. Many have just about reached their goal and retired but many of us will remain here for years to come. Why not make the work worthwhile again, and why not maintain the same mentality and foresight one wants us to portray to our members and contributing employers with “Service from the Heart,” internally as well? Your employees want to be appreciated and acknowledged, not only reprimanded.

The photo attached was taken while on vacation as it reminded me of what we were missing in our own organization. Decency, respect and true appreciation for a job well done.

Change is inevitable and welcomed, but with that comes training that you must ensure is provided for us to achieve your goals. Being a team player means being a team and treating all as if they all matter. You can’t just pick and choose. Motivate us to assist, not just when it’s urgent but on a daily basis and watch as we prove to you what we can truly achieve.

1199SEIU has turned its back on us. 1199NBF can’t and shouldn’t. “We are the force in the front lines. We are the employees that matter.” All we ask and expect is to be treated as such. Why? Because, "Happy Employees make Productive Employees."

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