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Congrats to our 2017 Retirees

The year has certainly proven to be one for retirees as we say goodbye to a few of our brothers and sisters within the BFSA. This past month alone we have said our farewells to four very devoted and truly deserving members. On October 31, 2017, Hector Pabon, Maintaner I, in our Facilities department who has served 16 years had decided to leave quietly, but very much appreciated and celebrated by his fellow coworkers, friends and BFSA Delegate, Margie Escobar as well as President, Nelsun Rivera and Vice President, Giovanni Figueroa. What a day to retire Hector, but Happy Halloween and retirement. We wish you and your family continued blessings.

Hector Pabon, retiree 10/31/17 & facilities crew.

Vice President, Giovanni Figueroa, Delegate, Margie Escobar, Hector Pabon and President, Nelsun Rivera

Gregory Connor, Quality Control Reviewer III in our Members Services Department retired on Friday, November 3, 2017 and was honored with a wonderful send off by his team, coworkers and managers. Many came out to share in his final day with the Fund after 20 years of serving our members with respect and understanding as he applied the same practice to those he worked so closely with as well. His send off and theme was also deserving as he is and always will be an MVP...

Merv, Rafael Sosa, Maria Alvarez & Gregory Connor

Gregory Connor Retiree 11/3/2017

Nilsa Strubbe, retired and her final day with the Fund was a week after Greg on November 10th. Nilsa was a dedicated Delegate with a heart of gold. The theme was one of her favorite past times. "A Tea Party," and her coworkers did a splendid job making her last tea time at work a blast with music, dancing and most of all laughter. Nilsa was not only a member, but a dedicated Delegate and a true pleasure to work with.

Nilsa Strubbe & Gregory Connor

Nilsa Strubbe, retiree 11/10/17

Muriel Thomas, who has been a pioneer, advocate, motivator and also past Treasurer of the BFSA has also decided to leave us. Muriel's colleagues, friends and family celebrated her time with the Fund by taking us back to the 70's, when Muriel first graced our organization in 1973. 44 years of service and she was still reluctant to leave as she will miss so many and vise versa. So congrats to all of our retirees. May you enjoy your retirement to the fullest and always remember your 1199BFSA family will always be with you in spirit. We are your Union... In Solidarity, always...

Muriel Thomas, retiree 11/30/17

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