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Rally Against President Trump

It seems we were once again invited a bit too late to attend a rally with our brothers and sisters across the way at 1199SEIU tomorrow, 12/2/2017. The email was sent to all Benefit Fund Staff today, Friday, December 1st at 9:13 am. Yet those who work at the Fund know Friday's are our most busiest days and many do not even have access to review emails on a regular if their job functions do not warrant one to have email access. This is just another reminder that we are not truly connected. Communication is dwindling, but we do hope for a great turnout. In Solidarity always your Benefit Fund Staff Association.

Here is the information received for those that do see this and can take the time to partake.

Dear Staff:

1199SEIU has asked us to share the information below regarding a rally this Saturday against the tax plan that is being voted on in the Senate. For anyone interested in participating, the rally will take place at 8:30am at 45th Street and Lexington Avenue in New York City. To sign up, simply click on the “sign up” link below.

Thank you,

Human Resources


WE ARE UNDER ATTACK. It's not a secret that President Trump is no friend to healthcare workers and working people.

This Saturday morning, he's holding a fundraiser at Cipriani's in Manhattan to raise cash from fat cat donors. Trump will use these funds to continue his campaign to dismantle affordable healthcare for all, take away rights for immigrants and raise taxes on working people while giving tax breaks to the very rich.

NOW WE MUST STAND UP. Join 1199SEIU, Governor Cuomo and our allies to interrupt Trump's Fat Cat breakfast and tell him that New York City stands for equality and justice!


45th St and Lexington Avenue in Manhattan *Take the 4, 5, 6, 7 or S train to Grand Central*

And don't forget to get on the bus next Wednesday, 12/6! We'll be traveling to Washington DC to stand up for our immigrant communities and fight back against the inhumane end to TPS. Sign up here

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